2024 Ongoing events at the Talkeetna Library:
Library updates are on FACEBOOK and KTNA
Check out these pages for book club events for TWEENS, TEENS AND ADULTS
Storytime for ages 0-5 and beyond is held every Thursday at 11:15.
Join Ms Geri for stories, snacks and crafts.
You may call the library at (907) 861-7645 for further information or visit the library’s Facebook page.
The Strong Women Strength Training Program is aimed at women (and men) 40 and older who wish to improve their strength, flexibility and balance. The group meets twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10:00 for 45 minutes.
The Library continues to offer Strong Women in person at the library and virtually through ZOOM. The meeting ID: 921 4648 1028. You will need a passcode to join. Please call the library for it.
-Weights and handouts are available at the library. There is no charge for this program.
The Friends of the Talkeetna Library have completed the Children’s Literary Trail Project. The approximately 1/4 mile trail now has 10 places to stop and read a page or three from a children’s book. The books will be changed out frequently until winter. Thanks to the Mat-Su Trail Crew who brush cut the trail for you.
This project was made possible through a grant by Jessica Stevens Foundation, an affiliate of the Alaska Community Foundation.
The Friends of the Talkeetna Library have completed the Children’s Literary Trail Project. The approximately 1/4 mile trail now has 10 places to stop and read a page or three from a children’s book. The books will be changed out frequently until winter. Thanks to the Mat-Su Trail Crew who brush cut the trail for you.
This project was made possible through a grant by Jessica Stevens Foundation, an affiliate of the Alaska Community Foundation.
Here are just a few of the things the library staff can help you with:
Tax Forms: The most common forms and schedules are available. Tax tables and instruction booklets are expected soon but these can be printed off. W-2s’ and 1099’s need a special form and the library does not have them. Calling ahead or having a list of what you need will help everyone. The staff is unable to offer any tax advice.
Parking Passes:. Annual parking passes for Mat-Su park trailheads and also for remote parking for Chase residents are available at the library.
For the Chase parking pass, please bring your driver’s license and proof of insurance as well as a description of your vehicle, including license plate number. The library can only accept cash or check for these passes.
Fishing Licenses: Did you know you can apply online?
Filing for your PFD: The staff will be most available on Mondays - Wednesday from 11am to 3 pm to help with applications for PFD
Notary services, trailhead and remote parking passes, and IRS forms are available at the library during normal hours.
WIFI is available 24/7 from the parking lot. MSBPublic with password MSBfree!
Library updates are on FACEBOOK and KTNA
Here are just a few of the things the library staff can help you with:
Tax Forms: The most common forms and schedules are available. Tax tables and instruction booklets are expected soon but these can be printed off. W-2s’ and 1099’s need a special form and the library does not have them. Calling ahead or having a list of what you need will help everyone. The staff is unable to offer any tax advice.
Parking Passes:. Annual parking passes for Mat-Su park trailheads and also for remote parking for Chase residents are available at the library.
For the Chase parking pass, please bring your driver’s license and proof of insurance as well as a description of your vehicle, including license plate number. The library can only accept cash or check for these passes.
Fishing Licenses: Did you know you can apply online?
Filing for your PFD: The staff will be most available on Mondays - Wednesday from 11am to 3 pm to help with applications for PFD
Notary services, trailhead and remote parking passes, and IRS forms are available at the library during normal hours.
WIFI is available 24/7 from the parking lot. MSBPublic with password MSBfree!
Library updates are on FACEBOOK and KTNA