The Friends of the Talkeetna Library's Mission is to:
Donations raised through the Friends of the Talkeetna Library are to support the following activities and programs:
The Friends of Talkeetna Library
Sandra G. Ehrlich-Mathiesen Peg Vos Diane Holl-Rambo
President Secretary Treasurer
For more information, email [email protected]
The Friends of Talkeetna Library FOTL) is a registered 501 (c) (3) nonprofit.
EIN Number: 86-1076900.
For income tax purposes, your gift is tax-deductible to the full extent of the law.
- - Support the Talkeetna Public Library and its programs.
- - Raise comunity awareness of resources and services available at the library.
- - Enhance services and resources provided by the library.
- - Be a liaison between the community and the library staff.
- - Raise funds to support the Library's resources, programs, services and furthering education for staff.
Donations raised through the Friends of the Talkeetna Library are to support the following activities and programs:
- Story Walk - The literary trail behind the library includes a story walk during the summer months.
- Suzanne's Garden - The FOTL fund and maintain the luxurious perennial garden, including a watering system and protective fencing for the trees.
- Support for children's and adult programs including: providing snacks, supplies, transportation and books.
- Maintaining and stocking the four Little Free Libraries that are located around Talkeetna.
- Commissioning art for the library including a stained glass window, donor wall and various pieces of art located in the library.
- Purchasing of additional furnishings for the library including: picnic tables, air purifiers, clocks, shelving and other furnishings not covered by Borough funding.
- Arranging and funding author visits.
- Organizing a book sale with a local book store.
The Friends of Talkeetna Library
Sandra G. Ehrlich-Mathiesen Peg Vos Diane Holl-Rambo
President Secretary Treasurer
For more information, email [email protected]
The Friends of Talkeetna Library FOTL) is a registered 501 (c) (3) nonprofit.
EIN Number: 86-1076900.
For income tax purposes, your gift is tax-deductible to the full extent of the law.